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I pulled out my phone as I was waiting for the game to load and forgot that I was about to play it, so I guess that's a good sign?


i was diagnosed with severe adhd at a young age and this game was very relatable.

i love the graphics by the way its a super good game :)


Poor Dino! Lovely game, the confusion its the best.


loved this!! the confusion when the fruit and map changed reminds me of doing homework but like in a fun way, loved the lil dinosaur dude lol


This game meant alot to me, reminded me of some.challenging times I've had before. I recommend for anyone wanting to have perspective on what undiagnosed ADHD can be like. Thank you Chickentuna and everyone else to took part into making this.

Hey, I love this game! I'm currently working for a free festival of videogame art for and by neurodivergent people ( Would you be happy for us to exhibit 'ADHDinosaur' at the festival? :D 

Yes of course! Can I do anything to help?

Thank you! I think we have everything we need, but if you would like to see some picture of your game at the festival please let me know the best way to send you some! 


I can't wait to see some photos!


The lines "I've told you this like 10 times, listen when I talk" "Are you actually this stupid" "here I'll write it down so you can remember" "why did you have to make things so complicated" and "why do you look tired, you've done practically nothing" all hit REALLY close to home for me. Thank you.


Love it <3


This game threw me for such a loop. I love this game. It was three minutes long but it was a glorious three minutes. 


Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to translate this game to spanish. I love it and would like to show it to some friends but they don't understand english


I'm afraid that's beyond me


Hey, I'd love to help out with a Spanish translation if you'll ever consider it. I speak fluent Spanish and English. :)


Wow, great representation of stuff we deal with all the time. It was annoying, funny and a bit sad at times. Any game that makes people feel things is a good one imo.


This pissed me the hell off. VERY relatable as someone with adhd. When the collection of notes showed up, I yelled "GOD DAMN IT" out loud. Then I sorted through every single one of them, and it felt way too real. The magically changing map that makes you feel like you're traveling in the fourth dimension or blacking out or something, like spacetime itself is gaslighting you, even though I've never seen it implemented like this, it INSTANTLY felt "normal", because I deal with this shit irl lol. Surprisingly good demonstration of something hard to explain.


I wasn't sure what to expect when submitting this game, it was the only way I found of expressing those feelings you described so well. Thanks for the comment, have a great day 🤗


I think you did awesome <3


You could really take this game very far. 10/10





So. I should probably make a better comment, right?

Let's see... 

This game hits to home for me on many aspects (allthough not all of them) and it makes me mad. But also, kind of validated on things I've felt and still struggle through?

10/10 it's frustrating. good job, I hate it. thanks


:( i can relate

don't worry dinosaur, i was proud of you :)


Dino friends? I see no friends here.

Anyways, this game mostly hits home for me.


super fun concept! 

This could be fun if you wanted to continue it

Like, you're running around, start finding/collecting/repairing the Snowmen, and makes a pointless counter of how many snowmen you have collected or something. 

Then have people get annoyed because you made a point to collect the snowmen, but haven't gotten them what they were waiting on yet. 

Maybe even randomly undoing the fix on one of the existing snowmen every few  minutes, or something like that. Or "undo" the fix and add one to the total number of snowmen to fix. Maybe could even result in some fun silliness like 

"4/6 snowmen fixed. 2 Missing" then later, after fixing more

"9/6 snowmen fixed? 1 Missing" 

Later on, near the end, someone gets angry that you have not fixed all of the snowmen that everyone else kept telling you you didn't need to work on. 


the ending broke me. crying right now, this is cathartic

(1 edit) (+1)



i searched it up , THERES 18 FRENCH KINGS NAMED LOUIS ?????? WHY SO MANY 

lovely game tho , i could relate to somethings in the game and made it a lot of fun , i ended up reading every note they had in their pocket


there's a difference between adhd and amnesia


Kinda feels this way to me most of the time


It's forgetfulness, not amnesia. Forgetfulness is an adhd symptom.


My head hurts


too hard too hard too hard too hard too hard too hard




I.... I forgot what fruit I had and got all confused and restarted the game. Twice. So yeah, this was pretty accurate.


Super cute and relatable. Definitely going to have my mom play this later lol. 


Loved it! One small bug I found was if I am walking and then open my notes with ESC I keep walking until I leave the notes. Outside that such a fun experience!


As someone with ADHD, wow dude this hit close. Good job. For a secon I thought I had forgotten the guy said banana (even though that was the game)


this is sooo good. i love the dino and got a little distracted waching the animaton, but i love the message behind it and how it was just so nice and lovely to play. 


Fantastic game!!! I really enjoyed it. I also love the message behind it. When I went back and noticed the game had changed I was so surprised! haha...


I have adhd and love this game


My bro has ADHD and sometimes I feel like this is running thru his head every time I talk to him


I loved your game ❤


i cant open my notes on chromebook, any idea how?


If ESC doesnt work, try N

thank you ^^


Totally recommended.

(1 edit) (+7)

i loved this so much!! i'm a 16 year old kid with adhd and i was laughing out loud imagining how outlandish this must seem to people without adhd. the parallel with the heaps of notes and my 500+ safari tabs had me smiling so hard. i loved searching through the notes, i probably would've read all of them if there was an option to do so!! lovely game!!


Bro I have adhd TOO


In the middle of searching through the notes i forgot what i was looking for..... 10/10


Me too


I cant stress enough how much I enjoyed this! 😂 I also think people with ADHD will find this and relate. It's very upbeat and friendly!

Thanks ❤️ Cool video!


That was amazing! Very relatable as someone with ADHD. Need to get my wife to play this.

Thanks, good to hear!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

that ADHD feel ;-;

I got excited when someone wrote down the info for me... until I reopened my notes. Highly relatable tho....




best part - if you checked your notes right AS they write it down, there's like 1 or 2 notes - but come back a few moments later aaaaaand 
Too real 4 me IRL

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